How Belkovy Law Firm Used Vleppo To Reinvent Their Business
Belkovy Law Firm (Belkovy) was a leading immigration legal services provider for expatriates relocating to Ukraine. Belkovy’s strong reputation was founded in the way that they constantly put the welfare of their clients first and ensured their interests were always protected.
Many of Belkovy’s expatriate clients worked in the software sector either as entrepreneurs or as freelance software developers. These clients routinely must address matters such as managing their intellectual property which in many cases is unpatentable. While Belkovy delivered professional services to assist with their immigration needs, the firm didn’t extend services to meet the business needs of these clients

Following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Belkovy’s immigration services business model was severely impacted with little prospect of any recovery in the short to medium term.
Belkovy knew they had a reputable brand and a very loyal client base. They also knew that in order to pivot their business away from immigration services using traditional methods, they would need to hire more experts. This was not within their capacity given the extreme circumstances their business was facing.
Belkovy recognized that their focus had been on assisting their clients with one aspect of their needs however their clients all had Intellectual Property (IP) management issues to varying degrees. Belkovy also saw that in many cases, these IP management issues were not being addressed by their clients either because:
- They were unaware that even if IP wasn’t patentable, it still had enormous value if not to themselves then to the customers that they were creating the IP on behalf of; or
- The lack of a simple and cost-effective method to protect IP put this whole concept into the ‘too-hard basket’.
Bekovy became aware of the V-Notary Patent Service solution which had been originally designed to work within the Vleppo Application. After some discussion, it was agreed that VNotary could be embedded into Belkovy’s website and made available to their existing and new customers both as a means of generating passive income and client leads.
Vleppo was able to implement V-Notary into Belkovy’s website within 48 hours complete with payment capability. The only thing left to do was for Belkovy to promote the service. The new service also provided Belkovy with a point of difference to their rivals and position themselves with an IP management solution housed in their existing IT infrastructure.

“Our company provides immigration services to foreigners in Ukraine. With the outbreak of the war, immigration to Ukraine stopped overnight and we were forced to look at other ways of doing business. After learning about Vleppo and its Blockchain based technologies, we started cooperation with them and chose VNotary for ourselves. After the introduction of this service, despite the war, our website became more popular precisely because of this new service. Clients began to show interest and buy the service which was a great result. We see the future belongs to Blockchain technologies and I am confident that our partnership with Vleppo will take our company to a whole new level”. Eugene Belkov – Partner at Belkovy Law Firm
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